The Opening of The Road

Anabela Cardoso The main goal of the ITC Journal- Voices, Images and Texts of Another World is to contribute for the “opening of the road”, to help, in its own way, the dream of a transcommunicator from another world become true. Carlos de Almeida, speaking from Timestream Station said “We speak to the world, everywhere,…


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Important Information! Profits from the sales on line This virtual shop is non-profit making. Any benefits from the sales made in the Purchases and Subscriptions section will be used to support ITC research. Namely, the sale or subscription to the ITC Journal (paper or electronic version), the sale of the Proceedings of the International ITC…


Até Breve, George Meek!

  Até Breve, George Meek! Cristina Rocha Ao completar 89 invernos, falece um dos maiores entusiastas do intercâmbio entre o mundo material e o espiritual dos últimos tempos: George William Meek. Idealizador do Spiricom (junção das palavras inglesas: spirit+communication) conseguiu com esse equipamento, nas décadas de 70 e 80, o primeiro diálogo gravado entre um…


“Transradio – Primera parte”

“Transradio – Primera parte” Sinesio Darnell Antes de proceder a analizar los diferentes métodos, que actualmente se vienen empleando en la grabación de fonemas paranormales, quiero transcribir algunos de mis últimos pequeños diálogos, que tengo registrados en mi diario de experimentación. Más adelante expondré los métodos, así como sus ventajas e inconvenientes, Nº 1: A…


Brief Extract of Articles

Brief Extract of Articles Marcello Bacci, currently deceased, had consistently received Direct Radio Voices of entities who declared to be deceased and identified themselves with names recognised by the many hundreds, or maybe thousands, of participants who witnessed such sessions. Moreover, some of the entities that spoke at Grosseto, where his centre was located, judging…
