The ITC Journal
The Journal was founded in the year 2000. With an International Editorial Board, the ITC Journal publishes articles by leading researchers and specialists in ITC, among them Adrian Klein (Israel), Anabela Cardoso (Portugal), Carlos Fernández (Spain), Carlos Luz (Brazil), Edgar Müller (Sweden), Daniele Gullà (Italy), Jacques Blanc-Garin (France), Michele Dinicastro (Italy), Nils O. Jacobson (Sweden), Paola Giovetti (Italy), Paolo Presi (Italy). Articles are currently published in English. The goal of the Editor and of the Editorial Board is to inform readers that Instrumental Transcommunication with the next level of life is not only possible but can potentially be achieved by anybody who devotes to it the necessary time and commitment. “The important thing is contact itself”, said one of the communicators from a group in the next world known as ‘Timestream Station’ that has regularly made contact with researchers on Earth.
All those involved in the ITC Journal hope to contribute to what communicators refer to as the “Opening of the Road”. If mankind truly and deeply realizes the existence of continuing Life, then human behaviour will change in radical, compassionate and positive ways. It is the wish of the Editor and of all those associated with the journal that one day Carlos de Almeida’s desire, communicated to the Editor through ITC, of “speaking to the world everywhere” by means of electronic media, will be realised.
The Journal publishes articles devoted to serious research into ITC, together with accounts of personal experiences contributed by readers and ITC experimenters and operators.