“Rio do Tempo” Station
What is ITC?
Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) is a term devised by Professor Ernst Senkowski (Germany) to cover the wide range of anomalous messages received through electronic media such as tape and digital recorders, radios, television sets, computers and others. It is a more objective way – in keeping with the modern technological age – of attempting communication with other levels of existence. However, it is not its technological component that makes ITC more valid than traditional methods of attempting to contact unknown dimensions; the main reason lies in the fact that the evidence it offers comes in a physical, objective form that renders it particularly suitable for studying and testing through the use of the scientific method essential for establishing authenticity in our epoch. For present purposes I will refer mainly to audio ITC, as this is the method I have primarily experimented with and the method with which I have obtained the most important results.
We can propose that ITC allows those who affirm that they have made the transition to another world after their physical death, to communicate with us in a way that the majority of people in this world can understand. Modern science has taught us that only objective evidence is valid, and ITC certainly meets this criterion. This may well in fact have been the reason that prompted our invisible communicators to research, and finally adopt this method. In the specialised literature of the 19th century there were already signs hinting at the possibility of its preparation and development in the next dimension of life (see Cardoso, 2010).
ITC did in fact originate in the, for us, invisible dimensions. Those who first independently experienced electronic communications – Fathers Ernetti and Gemelli, Attila von Szalay and Raymond Bayless, Friedrich Jürgenson – were taken entirely by surprise by their experiences. For them the communications were totally unexpected and unprovoked. The initiative belonged to the next world, and many years went by before the phenomena became properly established in our world. Entities in the next world, among whose number are those who claimed to be scientists and researchers (see Senkowski 1995), are responsible for developing and establishing this new method of communication. We, investigators and experimenters on Earth, are the fortunate recipients of their endeavours.
The communicators must have considered ITC to be a more efficient way of conveying their main message, namely that all life survives physical death and moves into another dimension – into a world that can hypothetically make its transcendent reality accepted by us if presented in an objective way, preferably in a form that can be analysed through the sophisticated technology of our time.
The communicators also tell us that ITC dispenses with the traditional form of mediumship; hence, the messages conveyed to us from the next unseen dimension of life are much less susceptible of being corrupted by the distortions and misinterpretations which can very easily arise when the human mind is used as a channel.
It appears that the subjective element in Instrumental Transcommunication messages has to do with the linguistic interpretation of some of the verbal communications. Some of these, albeit not all, are accompanied by a high level of static interference arising from the use of ‘white noise’ as a background acoustic support.
‘White noise’, but not only white noise as other sources of noise can be used as background acoustic supports – so, to be more precise, noise in general seems to play an important role in all types of ITC communications, perhaps as an originator, carrier or enhancer of the anomalous signal modulated by the communicators to form human speech and transmit information.
The interference of static noise is particularly true of some messages received through the Direct Radio Voices (DRV) method, in which communications actually come directly from the radio loudspeaker. We use the term ‘microphonic (or psychophonic) voices’ for those messages that can only be heard upon playback of the media on which they were recorded. These are the famous Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP), as they were initially called. But the DRV method not only allows for longer communications than those usually present in EVP, it can also facilitate direct dialogues between the operator on Earth and the invisible communicators. Unfortunately, as already mentioned, the presence of the radio ‘‘white noise’’ can on occasions make the immediate, direct interpretation of the communicators’ speech more problematic. Nevertheless, modern computer science now allows us to clean up much of the interference caused by the background ‘white noise’, and further improvements in this respect are confidently expected. In addition, practice in “concentrated listening” as Friedrich Jürgenson called it, in particular to the anomalous voices that frequently display odd acoustic characteristics, helps train the ear, through the well known pattern recognition factor, to interpret correctly each individual word. This training is not different from that which occurs when we learn to interpret normal speech. The brain perceives the subtle differences between phonemes and can in addition, to some extent, make use of the context as a way of attributing meaning. Even when we hear a foreign language unknown to us, the brain tries to make sense of the sounds it receives in this manner. The study of this technique that allows us to hear and interpret sounds is known as psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics has demonstrated the role training can play in enabling us to discriminate between extraordinary ranges of initially very similar sounds. The evidence concerned is based upon agreement on what is being heard between the individual assessments of members of professional listening panels all of whom are native speakers of the language which is being analysed. The ability of a trained musician to discriminate between minute differences in pitch and timbre is another example of how expert the brain can become in sound recognition.
Experiments carried out in the early days of ITC by the eminent parapsychologist Professor Hans Bender of the University of Freiburg, Germany, with the great pioneer Friedrich Jürgenson, and later by Dr Renato Orso in Turin, Italy, demonstrated that groups of people with very similar linguistic and hearing capabilities do in fact show independent agreement on the interpretation of ITC communications. Experiments of this kind are of particular value in helping convince sceptics of the genuine nature of these communications. They can of course be attempted by anyone with adequate training who considers that they have themselves been in receipt of such communications.
The present website offers just a small sample of the thousands of communications, EVP and more extensively DRV, which I have personally received since 1998. I herewith extend an open invitation to scientists and acoustic experts to analyse, study and draw their own conclusions as to the reality of these voices. I will be very happy to supply copies of these or other recordings in the formats such experts may require. I will also be available to exchange information with readers of this website and any other interested parties on the extraordinary phenomena of ITC.
The voices published on this site are all in the form in which they were received. In a few clearly indicated cases, in order to enhance intelligibility and comprehension of the content, as well as to show prospective ITC experimenters how they can work with their own recordings, the original audio segment is followed by a lightly processed version, carried out through equalization designed to boost the human voice frequencies, and through the use of the Noise Reduction application.
Anabela Cardoso
To help to improve the clarity of the voices I recommend that the prospective ITC operator uses computer software such as Sound Forge, Adobe Audition or other which provide good facilities for Noise Reduction and equalization.