Listen to messages
The voices herewith presented (EVP and DRV) are extracts of the CD with samples of anomalous electronic voices that illustrates the book “Electronic Voices: Contact with another Dimension?”. The original wave format was changed into MP3 for easier use in the website.
The EVP is presented in one track only containing the translation, the repetition and the original audio of the anomalous voices repeated twice.
How Are You
During a DRV session at my house, Prof David Fontana asked the communicators without using the microphone to repeat “How are you?”
We did not hear any clear reply. Prof Fontana asked again (still not holding a microphone) and this time, a couple of seconds after his request, a loud and clear masculine voice replied back, ‘How are you?’. We both heard ‘How are you?’ instantly and I was overwhelmed with joy. I can be heard in the recording screaming with delight immediately after the communicators repeated ‘How are you?‘. Then one of the communicators uttered clearly, obviously to Prof Fontana: ‘Eu confio (Portuguese; ‘I trust’ in English), do you know what is true to you?’. A very pertinent observation! Prof Fontana reports the occurrence in his book Is There an Afterlife? (chapter 14). |
Some examples of my dog Nisha’ talk:
- “Nisha, nós estamos aqui” (Nisha, we are here)
The original is followed by the same file with a slight Noise Reduction.
Anabela: Oi Rio do Tempo, ontem havia uma vozinha que dizia Nisha, era a minha Nisha que falou? Resposta: Sim, por acaso, foi p’ra ti!
(Anabela: Rio do Tempo, yesterday there was a little voice that said Nisha, was it my Nisha who spoke? Reply: Yes, it happens that it was, it was for you!).
- On another occasion the same little voice started speaking and Anabela asked: Olha, quem fala? (Look, who is speaking?). The little voice replied: Nisha!
Anabela: Mummy? (because she used to call Nisha, mummy). The little voice: Sim! (Yes!). |
“MORTOS, É A VOZ DO AMOR ” (translation: The dead, it’s the voice of love!)
“Falamos da Estação Rio do Tempo, vais ficar bem contenta, aposto! ”
The communicators have identified the Station on several occasions. On this evening the voice stated:
Falamos da Estação Rio do Tempo, vais ficar bem contenta, aposto! (Translation: We speak from Rio do Tempo Station, you will be very happy, I bet!”) This was the first identification of the Station. I had begged the communicators to identify themselves a few days before.
And a few days later: Torre, Torre é o Rio do Tempo! Uttered four times in a row (one of those is hereby published. (Translation: Tower, tower, this is Rio do Tempo!)
ORIGINAL AUDIO “Falamos da Estação Rio do Tempo, vais ficar bem contenta, aposto! ” |
“Torre, Torre, é o Rio do Tempo! (Tower, tower, it is Rio do Tempo! ”
Masculine voice: Torre, Torre, é o Rio do Tempo! (Tower, tower, it is Rio do Tempo!)
The existence of a tower at Timestream station from where the contacts with our world originate, had been communicated to the operators Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach in Luxembourg. An anomalous image of said tower was also received in Luxembourg (See Harsch and Locher, (1995). French translation : Les Contacts vers l’Au-Delà à l’Aide de Moyens Techniques Existent ! Agnières : Parasciences; and : Locher, T. and Harsch, M. (1992). Transcomunicação. São Paulo: Editora Pensamento, Portuguese translation. |
“Humanos precisam saber da luz” (DRV)
This fragment was recorded at the beginning of a DRV communication. The voices started speaking and one of the voices said “Um bonjour” (Portuguese and French, “A good-morning”). I (AC) called “Amigos!” (“Friends”) and one of the voices confirmed “Somos nós!” (“It is us!”). I asked “Quem fala?” (“Who is speaking?”), and a voice replied: “Oh, nós falamos do outro nível, os humanos precisam de saber da luz” (“Oh, we speak from the other level, humans need to know about the Light”).
This example was recorded in Lyon at the beginning of my stay in that city. This could account for the use of “Bonjour”.
AUDIO “Um bonjour” “Somos nós” “Oh, nós falamos do outro nível, os humanos precisam de saber da luz”. |
“Sou o tio Miguel Cardoso, morto!” (DRV)
Unexpectedly, this voice interrupted a DRV contact of different content with Rio do Tempo Station and shouted: “Sou o tio Miguel Cardoso, morto!” (I am uncle Miguel Cardoso, dead!). Original audio.
ORIGINAL AUDIO “Sou o tio Miguel Cardoso, morto!” (DRV) |
“Vá Nisha”, “Ich war medioker”, “Nisha” (EVP)
This is a digitized copy of the original tape recording without any sound processing. Anabela Cardoso (AC) loudly translates and reproduces the voices’ utterances before the anomalous voices are played twice.
Recorded in the course of a long Direct Radio Voices contact, this EVP contains different voices. Firstly, a voice says softly “Vá Nisha!” (Come on Nisha!); then a different voice, as if of an old lady sniffling, says in German “I was mediocre”; this is followed by another soft voice saying “Nisha”. Nisha was one of AC’s beloved, deceased Doberman dogs. It seems as if somebody was encouraging Nisha to speak, as indeed happened, some time later. AC did not speak because she was waiting for the DRV to resume.
AUDIO ORIGINAL “Vá Nisha”, “Ich war medioker”, “Nisha”. |
“Vou à Alma” (DRV)
The voice resembles the voice used by my main communicator Carlos de Almeida on many occasions. This is a segment of a longer communication. He says: “….(unintelligible)… Ele não vem e ao meu grupo desço, Vou à Alma! É o edifício do Tempo, é o hemiciclo do Tempo” (He does not come and I go down to my group, I go to the soul! It is the edifice of Tempo, it is the hemicycle of Tempo”. My voice can be heard in the last section of the audio mixed with the communicator’s voice. (See CD).The concept of the Group-Soul is well illustrated in this recording. Notice the impressive loudness of the masculine voice (original). |
“É Ritmo, nós sabemos quando o seguimos” (DRV)
I used to get extremely puzzled by the fact that the communicators could hear and reply directly to what I said in my studio at home. Thus, one day I asked if they had some special sound process that allowed them to hear what I said at home. Carlos de Almeida’s voice replied “É ritmo, nós sabemos quando o seguimos” (It is rhythm, we know when we follow it). And I thought, without certainty, that he must have been speaking of brain rhythm. (See CD). |