Technical conditions of the recordings
In common with other transcommunicators, I choose the type of radios I use, decide on their position in my studio, set up my equipment and select the frequencies and the type of white noise tentatively, while trying to get advice from my communicators on what I am doing. I started my experiments years ago using two or three radios, tuned in to the random static noise of the radio (commonly called ‘white noise’), in different frequencies of the short wave band. Since then, I have added further radios to the number in use, normally in response to the communicators’ requests.
At present, I work with four modern, top of the range Sony short wave radios (two ICF SW77 models, one ICF SW7600G model, and one ICF SW7600GR). I also use a portable Sony radio cassette player tuned to the so called Jürgenson wave band (approximately 1,500 kHz) and a Yaesu communications receiver VR-120 tuned to 250.000 kHz. These two radios have never produced any voices, which usually originate from one or another of the Sony radios and, previously, when I started my experiments with old valve radios, came from those, too. On exceptional occasions, Direct Radio Voices, with the same linguistic contents, have come simultaneously from two of the radios tuned to different frequencies, and on a couple of occasions from all the Sony radios tuned to different frequencies, also. In the last few years with the agreement of the communicators, I have been using the following frequencies in the SW band: 6500 kHz; 11178 kHz; 13250 kHz; 22545 kHz.
Since I like crystals, and hoping that they may help in the communication process, I leave a number of various sized crystals, collected at random, near one of the more powerful Sony. Two microphones are set up to capture respectively the sounds emanating from the radio/s and my own voice. The microphones are connected, via a mixing table, to a Pioneer tape deck CT-W806 DR.
Anabela Cardoso