Journal nº12 – Dec/2002


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Una palabra con los lectores
A word with our readers
Uma palavra com os leitores
Anabela Cardoso

Survival of Physical Death
Professor David Fontana

Investigación – Psicofonía – Diario de Laboratorio
Sinesio Darnell

O fabuloso mundo revelado pela TCI
Hernani Guimaraes Andrade

What is the position of the Church on the communication with the Dead
François Brune

Nuove indagini computerizzate sulle ‘Voci paranormale’ (part I)
Daniele Gullà – Giuseppe Lenzi

Developing a Protocol for DVR
Anabela Cardoso – Professor David Fontana

La Transcomunicazione Strumentale
Paolo Presi


Dep. Legal: VG-435-2003
ISSN: 1696-4586 ITC (Vigo)

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