Journal nº37 – Apr/2010


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The ITC Journal – new ways

O novo rumo de Cadernos de TCI

Nuevo rumbo para Cuadernos de TCI

Anabela Cardoso

The Fabulous World Revealed by ITC

Hernani Guimarães Andrade

La Maravilla de las Plantas: ¿Qué sabemos?

Luciana Petrucelli

Are we all connected?

Roger Taylor

Some notes on a sound sequence recorded

Uwe Hartman

Profile of Prof. Dr. Uwe Hartmann

ITC – Historical Perspective / TCI – Perspectiva histórica

‘Unlimited Horizons’ from the Metascience Foundation

Duas histórias verdadeiras de animais

Luciana Petrucelli

Como un Pájaro

Jose Ignacio Carmona Sánchez

Nearing Death and Near Death Experiences and Their

Possible Implications for Survival.

Peter Fenwick

Readers’ Letters/ Correo de los Lectores/ Correio dos Leitores

Irma Weisen


Dep. Legal: VG-435-2003
ISSN: 1696-4586 ITC (Vigo)

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ITCJournal Electronic/Paper

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