Book’s CD “Electronic Voices”

Book’s CD “Electronic Voices” This CD contains a sample of the anomalous electronic voices recorded by Dr Anabela Cardoso, researcher in Instrumental Transcommunication. The majority of the voices on the CD illustrates, and relates directly to the book authored by the researcher on her amazing experiences “Electronic Voices: Contact with another Dimension?” published by O…


“Rio do Tempo” Station

“Rio do Tempo” Station What is ITC? Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) is a term devised by Professor Ernst Senkowski (Germany) to cover the wide range of anomalous messages received through electronic media such as tape and digital recorders, radios, television sets, computers and others. It is a more objective way – in keeping with the modern…



ELECTRONIC VOICES – Contact with Another Dimension? Author: Anabela Cardoso Published in the United Kingdom, in 2010, by O Books This is the story of a normal woman who experienced the impossible: objective contacts with another dimension through loud and clear voices received by electronic means during Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) experiments. Dr Cardoso, a senior…


Ann Harrison

Ann Harrison Ann Harrison originally trained in Pharmacy before taking a degree in Education at the University of Wales. After the death of her husband she became interested in Communication from the Spirit Realms and later qualified in the therapeutic healing arts of Aromatherapy, Swiss Reflex treatment and Touch for Health (Kinesiology). She became involved…


Professor Uwe Hartmann

Professor Uwe Hartmann Uwe Hartmann studied physics at the University of Rostock in Germany. He works in the field of Computer Science; published as author/co-author several books on data base languages and data privacy and has done a doctorate on approach to complex objects in relational systems. Since 1992 he has been Professor of Information…


Carlos Fernández

Carlos Fernández Carlos Gabriel Fernández was born in Buenos Aires in 1965 and studied Electronics in the National Technological University of the Argentinean capital. His interest in the investigation of anomalous phenomena drove him to harmonize his technical background with a career in journalism. He is the author of the books Parapsicología y Electrónica (1995),…


Edgar Müller

Edgar Müller Born in Budapest, Hungary, Edgar moved to Sweden, Stockholm 1957 where he lives with his wife, Merit who is a writer, painter, graphic designer and his partner in EVP research. They have been married for 53 years. His professional background is in electronic engineering as a specialist in measuring instruments and sensors. Although…


Dr Anabela Cardoso

Dr Anabela Cardoso Licentiate in Germanic Philology, Faculty of Letters, Lisbon University, Portugal and Doctor of Public Service (Honoris Causa) by Roger Williams University, Bristol, R. I., USA. A linguist and a senior Portuguese career diplomat since 1976, Dr. Cardoso was the first woman to hold a diplomatic post outside her county. A former member…


Book’s CD “Electronic Voices”

Book’s CD “Electronic Voices” This CD contains a sample of the anomalous electronic voices recorded by Dr Anabela Cardoso, researcher in Instrumental Transcommunication. The majority of the voices on the CD illustrates, and relates directly to the book authored by the researcher on her amazing experiences “Electronic Voices: Contact with another Dimension?” published by O…



ELECTRONIC VOICES – Contact with Another Dimension? Author: Anabela Cardoso Published in the United Kingdom, in 2010, by O Books This is the story of a normal woman who experienced the impossible: objective contacts with another dimension through loud and clear voices received by electronic means during Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) experiments. Dr Cardoso, a senior…
