Edgar Müller
Born in Budapest, Hungary, Edgar moved to Sweden, Stockholm 1957 where he lives with his wife...
Edgar Müller
Born in Budapest, Hungary, Edgar moved to Sweden, Stockholm 1957 where he lives with his wife, Merit who is a writer, painter, graphic designer and his partner in EVP research. They have been married for 53 years.
His professional background is in electronic engineering as a specialist in measuring instruments and sensors. Although he has also a degree in economics, his main focus has always been in technique and he has been Managing Director for technical corporations over 30 years.
He retired from employment in 2000 in order to be able to devote most of his time to Parapsychology. He is Secretary of the Swedish Parapsychological Association; the author of many abstracts, reports and papers for the SPA´s Journal and he gives lectures on EVP.
Edgar’s main interest is in the Survival Hypothesis with a strong concentration on EVP. He carries out EVP experiments on a regular basis, testing various methods, hardwares and softwares.
As Director Emeritus he still keeps in touch with his previous occupation.